Post 4: my favorite tv series

The truth is that I don't watch tv since a lot of years ago, because I don't really like them. I prefer  to watch series on plataforms like Netflix or I search specific tv show on internet, because in this way I can watch a marathon of episodes in my free time.

The last tv shows or tv series that I watched was "Vikings" and "Peaky Blinders" but I didn't finish them, I didn't reach to the last season of both. I didn't feel a need to do it .... Mmm maybe the tv series was not for me, I lost the motivation to continue the story. I have never fallen in love with tv series:( . In fact, I didn't finish "Breaking Bad" considered one of the best tv series from the last decade!! Something is wrong with me.

About it, I prefer another kínd of series, where the protagonist or heroe isn't a actor or actress, where the story in many times is not related to the real life, where the possible facts are far away from achieving in the real life. I really like series of animated films, such as "Avatar" or "Hunter X Hunter". I can't choose who is better than the other, but I can say why I love both and in what they are similar. The protagonists: "Aang" on Avatar and "Gon" on "HxH", they have magic powers, super human strengh, and a very developed spiritual life. All this helps them to defeat the antagonist and save the world of chaos. That's all!!


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