post 3: A person I would like to meet

Ana Tijoux

She is a Chilean - French rap singer. She is the daughter of Chilean parents, but was born in France, where she lived for 20 years. Her parents were exiled by the military dictatorship of General Pinochet.

With the return to democracy in Chile, she returns with her family to stay permanently. Her musical career in rap began strongly in 1997 with the group Makiza, where she stood out for her voice and lyrics. Then, since 2006, she began her solo career, which is characterized by many recognitions and achievements. She has been nominated many times to the Grammy Awards, being the Chilean with more nominations, but unfortunately she has never won.
However, she has shared musical works with great artists, such as Julieta Venegas and Molotov. Also for her albums "1977" (2009), "La bala" (2011) and "Vengo" (2014), has been recognized by artists such as Iggy Pop and international magazines such as The New York Times or Rolling Stones for the musical quality of their works. On the other hand, she has won on 4 occasions the chilean music prize "Pulsar" in different categories.

I have seen her shows more than once, in fact we took a picture. But, this does not mean that I know her, I want to talk with her, I would like to know her tastes, have a more intimate conversation and talk about other more important topics. She is currently working on a new musical project where she sings her own boleros.


  1. Hi Agustín! I read your post and I know more about life of Ana Tijoux haha I remeber that I liked some songs of Makiza, good times !


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