Post 7: My best friend

For me it is complicated to talk about this type of friendship, because I don't think in positions of friendship as if friendship was a competition. Although I can say that I've got friends more or less close to me. The friendship was born in different ways, places and moments of our libes and many times when the people (including me) grow up and change its social enviroment many friendship are lost.

Thinking about it, I believe that I have had different close friends with the pass of the time. At present my friend closer to me is Francisco. He is a very dear person. I met him at the university, in second semester in the first year of the career (He is also studying Administración pública). He is a year older than me and since we met we celebrate our birthdays together. On the other hand, we talk our personal problems and  we always find possible solutions. About likes, tates or preferences of music, food, or sports we rarely think the same, but  that is ok, because we often have good discussions about these topics.  However, we agree in enjoying good movies, eat French fries and drink a good beer.
Unfortunely this year we have a few class together and he took more responsabilities, then we have met little. But we are working together to solve this. That's is all.


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