
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2019

Post 5: My future job

Hello classmates! Today I gonna talk about what I would to do after of finish the carreer in the short term and long term. Firts that all, I would like take the major of "Gestión Pública" because I have dreamed with be a great leader, director or any authority with power and responsability of take decisions for make changes that people need. I think that this way of Gestión Pública, helps me to learn habilities and administrative knowledge necessary for make any organization achieve your goals and mission. I'm aware that achieving this dream will be complicated but no impossible. I know that my first job will be far from any management position like a president, director or boss of some department. In the long term, I have always wanted to be a Mayor of Maipú, the town where I have lived since that I was born. I would like be a Major because who wants to be a Mayor must be chosen democratically for the citizens and on the other hand, the decisions that I will

Post 4: my favorite tv series

The truth is that I don't watch tv since a lot of years ago, because I don't really like them. I prefer  to watch series on plataforms like Netflix or I search specific tv show on internet, because in this way I can watch a marathon of episodes in my free time. The last tv shows or tv series that I watched was "Vikings" and "Peaky Blinders" but I didn't finish them, I didn't reach to the last season of both. I didn't feel a need to do it .... Mmm maybe the tv series was not for me, I lost the motivation to continue the story. I have never fallen in love with tv series:( . In fact, I didn't finish "Breaking Bad" considered one of the best tv series from the last decade!! Something is wrong with me. About it, I prefer another kínd of series, where the protagonist or heroe isn't a actor or actress, where the story in many times is not related to the real life, where the possible facts are far away from achieving in the real